Sunday, February 19, 2012

David Hockney Essay

David Hockney Essay

David Hockney, born in Bradford, England, in 1937, knew at a young age that he wanted to be an artist. He began attending a local art school at the age of 16, and went on to continue studying art at The Royal College of Art in London. While at the Royal College, he strove to humanize his paintings by including words in them, and also by purposely painting figures in a crude, rough manner. The work he produced during this period of discovering his own personal style (which every artist undergoes) was marked as Pop art, due to his flamboyantly colorful work that often integrated popular magazine-style images, but he later moved on to being more representational in his work. Looking at his work, it is no wonder that he eventually became curious about photography. Not only is he considered a great draftsman, but his work in graphic design is given as much respect as his paintings.

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The fact that people may argue that he has not made an especially large impact on the world of photography is understandable, since he is predominantly considered a painter and also because he has only been experimenting with photography since the 80's, but even with disregard to the fact that his work has been used as illustrative examples in many prominent books on photography, his photo collages clearly express something that single, traditionally presented photographs cannot. He has made composite photographs by employing Polaroid photographs, regular 35 mm prints , color copiers, and even fax machines. Though he may not have been the first person to create photo collages, the manner in which he arranges them illuminates the different points of photographs that are sometimes lost (things that could maybe be captured on, say, movie film) and uncover the "complete" picture and the multi-faceted possibilities of expression through layering, analyzing, fragmenting, and simply, by putting together all the small details creatively that are sometimes overlooked.
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