Despite the claims that living in a big city is much more expensive than in small towns or suburbs, the migration of the population from the sparsely populated towns to the metropolitan areas is growing. The massive exodus of the population to the large cities, which began back in over a hundred years ago, continues. This applies especially to young people. This trend may be due to the search for a better life. What are the advantages of living in a big city that attract people so much that they are ready to leave their home and enjoy the suspense and the frantic pace of life, the glittering lights of mega-cities?
Some people move to a big city for the sake of the benefits of modern civilization and the entertainment industry, like shows, entertainment centers and restaurants, which, it must be recognized, there are a lot in the major cities. However, some people are searching for more important cultural heritage.
For some it is an opportunity to leave their conservative families and to live full life and create something bigger that what they have seen before in their small town.
It is widely known that in big cities there are the best and most prestigious educational institutions.
Many people come to the big city to enroll in College, where they will find a shelter, where they will be able to fully discover and realize their abilities, which is the most important thing is that they will be able to receive quality education that will give them better chances for the successful future.
It is much harder to find a high paying and interesting work in province than in the big city. The local population and entrepreneurs of the large cities are also see their benefits in this: the employer has a choice to hire relatively cheap labor, in the person of "a guest workers" from less developed countries or smaller nearby settlements.
The main advantages of living in the big city are the opportunities and prospects the city offers to the newcomers. Still more wannabes from the province go to conquer New York, London, or Paris. They believe that it is in these cities, they will be able to fulfill their dreams, realize their potential, and achieve general acceptance or find a high-paying job they were dreaming of. It is not surprising that a huge amount of show-business stars, politicians, and artists are not natives of the big city and came from the province. However, let’s face it, the more the city, the more difficult to achieve some mind-blowing heights. Big cities can be conquered only by the most dedicated, talented, hard-working and strong personalities.
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