Essay on Physical Education in the Classroom
Regular physical activity is associated with a healthier, longer life style, and with a lower' risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and most of all obesity. Despite all the benefits of physical activity, most school-aged children in this country are inactive. Lack of physical activity has also contributed to a sharp increase in childhood obesity in the last decade. Given the fact that regular physical activity will help younger people stay healthier, and is an essential component of childhood development, it is important that this be included as part of the regular school curriculum.
There are too many variables in human life to ever be able to conclude that physical activity improves academic performance. However, we can with complete certainty say that regular physical activity will help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes and will help you to live a healthy and happy life. Physical education is an important aspect of any school students' curriculum.
There are too many variables in human life to ever be able to conclude that physical activity improves academic performance. However, we can with complete certainty say that regular physical activity will help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes and will help you to live a healthy and happy life. Physical education is an important aspect of any school students' curriculum.
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A daily well programmed and appropriately monitored physical activity, can help students to increase their self-steam, develop the knowledge, attitude, discipline, and confidence needed to maintain active lifestyles and acquire the skills needed to develop a positive attitude towards physical activity that will last a lifetime.
Recently there has been significant pressure on school authorities from the local government to show increased achievement of recently established standards in academic areas specially reading and math. As provinces develop standardized tests to hold schools and students accountable, subject that is not tested becomes low in priority. Therefore, there has to be a federal law and regulation stating that standardized physical education be part of the regular school curriculum and find schools and students accountable for achieving the standards and like any other subject students must obtain satisfactory mark in order to go to the next grade.
However, this should not just be limited to elementary or high school students. All colleges and universities should include physical education (activity) as part of their regular study program and every semester a four or five credit course be taken by the student. Since such course does not require any further preparation could easily be scheduled in the studentŠfs time table.
Physical education if often given a secondary place in the educational services of our schools, but we all know that it is an essential component of childhood development and should help build a solid foundation for a healthy adult life. By eliminating physical education from the school, when student becomes an adult could experience obesity, or other health problems. It is very important to have an active life style at younger age, so it becomes secondary in nature.
Quality, daily physical activity for all school age children is of crucial importance and is, in part, the responsibility of school. Physical education is particularly important at this time of growing concern about the reduced levels of physical activity and increased levels of obesity, diabetes and related health problems for all age groups. Achieving optimal health is closely linked to success in all life domains, and a comprehensive education that addresses mental, emotional and physical element is essential. Physical education is a key component of such an education.
With the objective in mind that "physically active, healthy kids learn better" all school students should have a minimum 30-60 minutes of moderate activity everyday. To achieve that, all schools across the country must fit the physical education program into the school curriculum and make it an essential part of the educational system and students are required to pass the course in order to graduate. All provinces set minimum standards of achievement in physical education. Meeting established standards in physical education be requirement for graduation.
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